Did you know that you can help Platform for Life raise funds for FREE just by doing your day to day shopping?
Platform for Life is a nominated Co-op local community fund, this means you can support us by doing your normal shopping at a Co-op store. Whenever you shop at a Co-op store between 23rd October 2022 and 21st October 2023, for every £1 spent on selected Co-op branded products and services, 1p will go directly to Platform for Life. All you have to do is choose Platform for Life as your local Co-op charity!
To collect rewards and contribute to your cause, members must swipe or scan their membership card when they shop.
This is how you can help support us:
This is a great way to support Platform for Life by doing what you already do!
Scan the QR code for more information:
Now every time you shop online via Give as you Live at 4,000+ top retailers including Amazon, eBay, John Lewis and Expedia, a FREE donation will be made to us and it won’t cost you a penny.
Plus if you shop through the Give as you Live website, you can access top offers so you can save money and raise money!
Every £45 we raise pays for a low income family struggling with poor mental health to attend 1 counselling/play therapy session. We want to help them back to good mental health and build stronger relationships and more nurturing environments for children.
Please help us make a difference by using the Give as you Live website and raise extra funds for Platform for Life as you shop online without it costing you anymore.
Thank you so much.